Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques

Ethics Content Description

The ethics materials cover principles of justice and equality, responsibilities to present and future generations, dual use technologies, and the NeurIPS Code of Ethics. Each assignment in the course includes opportunities for ethical reflection and choice. Our hope is that students will build skills in ethical decision-making at the same time that they are learning artificial intelligence and machine learning principles and techniques, seeing these two competencies as linked responsibilities of engineers.

Course Description

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a huge impact in many areas, including medical diagnosis, speech recognition, robotics, web search, advertising, and scheduling. This course focuses on the foundational concepts that drive these applications. In short, AI is the mathematics of making good decisions given incomplete information (hence the need for probability) and limited computation (hence the need for algorithms). Specific topics include search, constraint satisfaction, game playing,n Markov decision processes, graphical models, machine learning, and logic.


Ethics materials created by Kathleen Creel, Diana Acosta Navas, Lauren Gillespie, Percy Liang, and Dorsa Sadigh.

Assignments created by Percy Liang, Dorsa Singh, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Chris Piech, Lauren Gillespie, and Skanda Vaidyanath.


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